Breakinduced replication (BIR) is an efficient homologous recombination (HR) pathway employed to repair a DNA doublestrand break (DSB) when homology is restricted to one end All three major replicative DNA polymerases are required for BIR, including the otherwise nonessential Pol32 subunit Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a way to solve those problems In humans, it is employed chiefly to repair breaks in DNA that cannot be fixed otherwise A new study seeks to tease out BIR's high riskreward arrangement by describing for the first time the beginningtoend sequence in BIR Based on the study in yeast, a DSB repair pathway called breakinduced replication (BIR) is believed to be a major source of replicative GCR Since the mechanistic study of BIR has been mostly carried out in yeast, a model system to study BIR mechanism and its role in suppressing genome instability in mammalian cells is highly in demand

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Break-induced replication the where the why and the how
Break-induced replication the where the why and the how- Mechanisms preventing BreakInduced Replication during repair of twoended DNA doublestrand breaks Nhung Pham1, Zhenxin Yan1, Anna Malkova3, James E Haber2 and Grzegorz Ira1 1 Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX, USAThe Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource

Replication Stress At Microsatellites Causes Dna Double Strand Breaks And Break Induced Replication Journal Of Biological Chemistry
In both of these cases, an alternative mechanism of repair, known as breakinduced replication (BIR) may be able to restore a telomere to the broken chromosome and thus preserve its integrity In S cerevisiae, events consistent with BIR have been directly demonstrated in several ways First, when HO endonuclease is used to cleave off the endBreakInduced Replication The Where, The Why, and The How Publication date July 18Source Trends in Genetics, Volume 34, Issue 7Author(s) J Kramara, B Osia, A MalkovaBreakinduced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs oneBreakInduced Replication The Where, The Why, and The How J Kramara,2 B Osia,2 and A Malkova1,* Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs oneended doublestrand breaks (DSBs) For decades, yeast model systems offered the only opportunities to study eukaryotic BIR These studies described an unusual mode
Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a repair process initiated by oneended DSBs at collapsed replication forks and extended by conservative DNA replication 59,60,61 The yeast Pol32 and human POLD3/4 proteins, accessory subunits of the DNA polymerase, are important for BIR 56 , 62 , 63Reviewed in 41 In addition to its role in late replication, RDR in bacteriophage T4 was shown to play important roles in DSB repair and in the repair of broken replication forks 42–44 (see also 9,11,41,45 and references therein)Breakinduced replication functions and molecular mechanism Curr Opin Genet Dev 13 Jun 18;
Physiological Relevance of BreakInduced Replication The importance of recombination for late replication of bacteriophage T416 and in the repair of collapsed replication forks in Escherichia coli has been clearly demonstrated4,17 In bacteria replication initiates from a single origin, proceeds bidirectionally, andThe Break Induced replication pathway (BIR) is a DBSR that depends on homologous recombination at microhomology domains and enables telomere capture 77– 77BreakInduced Replication The Where, The Why, and The How Kramara J(1), Osia B(1), Malkova A(2) Author information (1)These authors contributed equally to this work (2)Department of Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA , USA Electronic address annamalkova@uiowaedu

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However, DSBs that arise by replication fork collapse or by erosion of uncapped telomeres have only one free end and are thought to repair by strand invasion into a homologous duplex DNA followed by replication to the chromosome end (breakinduced replication, BIR)Breakinduced replication (BIR) refers to recombinationdependent DNA synthesis initiated from one end of a DNA doublestrand break and can extend for more than 100 kb BIR initiates by Rad51catalyzed strand invasion, but the mechanism for DNA synthesis is not known Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a nonreciprocal recombinationdependent replication process that is an effective mechanism to repair a broken chromosome We review key roles played by BIR in maintaining genome integrity, including restarting DNA replication at broken replication forks and maintaining telomeres in the absence of telomerase

Migrating Bubble During Break Induced Replication Drives Conservative Dna Synthesis Nature

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Bacterial replication origins Most bacterial chromosomes are circular and contain a single origin of chromosomal replication (oriC)Bacterial oriC regions are surprisingly diverse in size (ranging from 250 bp to 2 kbp), sequence, and organization ;Break Induced Replication repairs collapsed forks nicks and lesions cause fork collapse that lead to DSB in the case of lesion > fork collapse > fork regression = DSB How does Break Induced replication repair collapsed forks BIR rescues a collapsed replication fork by strand invasion;The role of breakinduced replication in largescale expansions of (CAG) n /(CTG) n repeats Jane C Kim 1,2, Samantha T Harris 1, Teresa Dinter , Kartik A Shah ,2 & Sergei M Mirkin Expansions of (CAG) n /(CTG) n trinucleotide repeats are responsible for over a dozen neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders

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Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs oneended doublestrand breaks (DSBs) For decades, yeast model systems offered the only opportunities to study eukaryotic BIR These studies described an unusual mode of BIR synthesis that is carried out by a migrating bubble and showsGenetic instabilities, including mutations and chromosomal rearrangements, lead to cancer and other diseases in humans and play an important role in evolution A frequent cause of genetic instabilities is doublestrand DNA breaks (DSBs), which may arise from a wide range of exogeneous and endogeneous cellular factors Although the repair of DSBs is required, some Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a nonreciprocal recombinationdependent replication process that is an effective mechanism to repair a broken chromosome We review key roles played by BIR in maintaining genome integrity, including restarting DNA replication at broken replication forks and maintaining telomeres in the absence of telomerase Previous studies


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Breakinduced replication plays a prominent role in longrange repeatmediated deletion Qing Hu Department of Molecular Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA Search for more papers by this author Hongyan Lu Role of the Pif1PCNA Complex in Pol δDependent Strand Displacement DNA Synthesis and BreakInduced Replication Buzovetsky O(1), Kwon Y(1), Pham NT(2), Kim C(1), Ira G(3), Sung P(4), Xiong Y(5) Author information (1)Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 065, USAFind out what is the most common shorthand of breakinduced replication on Abbreviationscom!

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The interplay between replication and recombination is complex in terms of both mechanism and integration within DNA metabolism At the heart of this interplay is the requirement for singlestranded DNA (ssDNA), the substrate for DNAstrandexchange proteins, to initiate recombination (Cox 07b;Molecular Biology BreakInduced DNA Replication Recombinationdependent DNA replication, often called breakinduced replication (BIR), was initially invoked to explain recombination events in bacteriophage but it has recently been recognized as a fundamentally important mechanism to repair doublestrand chromosome breaks in eukaryotes (iii) Breakinduced replication (BIR) is initiated when only one broken end is available for strand invasion The invasion triggers DNA repair synthesis proceeding via a migrating bubble with asynchronous leading and laggingstrand synthesis, and leads to conservative inheritance of newly synthesized DNA

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San Filippo et al 08)Breakinduced replication (BIR) is an important pathway specializing in repair of oneended doublestrand DNA breaks (DSBs) This type of DSB break typically arises at collapsed replication forks or at eroded telomeres BIR initiates by invasion of a broken DNA end into a homologous template followeArticle "BreakInduced Replication The Where, The Why, and The How" Detailed information of the JGLOBAL is a service based on the concept of Linking, Expanding, and Sparking, linking science and technology information which hitherto stood alone to support the generation of ideas By linking the information entered, we provide opportunities to make unexpected discoveries and

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Recombinationdependent DNA replication, often called breakinduced replication (BIR), was initially invoked to explain recombination events in bacteriophage but it has recently been recognized as a fundamentally important mechanism to repair doublestrand chromosome breaks in eukaryotesAbstract Breakinduced replication (BIR) is an important pathway specializing in repair of oneended doublestrand DNA breaks (DSBs) This type of DSB break typically arises at collapsed replication forks or at eroded telomeres BIR initiates by invasion of a broken DNA end into a homologous template followed by initiation of DNA synthesis that can proceed for hundreds ofBreakinduced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs oneended doublestrand breaks (DSBs) For decades, yeast model systems offered the only opportunities to study eukaryotic BIR These studies described an unusual mode of BIR synthesis that is carried out by a migrating bubble and shows conservative inheritance of newly synthesized DNA, leading to genomic instabilities like

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These 6 survivors could have healed the broken chromosome by addition of a new telomere distal to the BamHI site or by breakinduced replication using its homolog as a template If survivors had healed the broken chromosome by de novo telomere addition, then Hin dIII fragments should also be different, and one of them should differ from the parent chromosomeBreakInduced Replication Is Highly Inaccurate Angela Deem1, Andrea Keszthelyi2, Tiffany Blackgrove1, Alexandra Vayl1, Barbara Coffey1, Ruchi Mathur1, Andrei Chabes2,3, Anna Malkova1* 1Department of Biology, School of Science, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America, 2Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Umea˚ University,Breakinduced replication requires all essential DNA replication factors except those specific for preRC assembly John R Lydeard,1 Zachary LipkinMoore,1 YiJun Sheu,2 Bruce Stillman,2 Peter M Burgers,3 and James E Haber1,4 1Department of Biology and Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts , USA;

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Nonetheless, their ability to drive replication onset typically depends on sequencespecific readout of consensus DNA elements In human cancers, oncogene activation interferes with DNA replication, leading to DNA replication stress and DNA doublestrand breaks (DSBs) Costantino et al (p 1, published online 5 December) identified two subunits of DNA polymerase delta, POL3 and POL4, as critical for survival of DNA replication stress in human cells Both subunits were required for breakinduced replicationLooking for the abbreviation of breakinduced replication?

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Authors Malkova A, Ira G Abstract Breakinduced replication (BIR) is the pathway of homologous recombination (HR) conserved from phages to eukaryotes that serves to repair DNA breaks that have only one end BIR contributes to the repair of broken replication forks and allows telomere l Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs oneended doublestrand breaks (DSBs) For decades, yeast model systems offered the only opportunities toSimilar to BIR in yeast, mammalian breakinduced telomere synthesis underlies alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) and proceeds with conservative inheritance of newly synthesized DNA Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs oneended doublestrand breaks (DSBs)

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BIR was first identified in the late replication phase of bacteriophage T4 where it was described as RDR 40; Breakinduced replication (BIR) presents an interesting case of largescale DNA duplication that occurs in the context of DNA repair In this study we employed a yeastbased system to investigate the level of mutagenesis associated with BIR compared to mutagenesis during normal DNA replicationBreakInduced Replication The Where, The Why, and The How Breakinduced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs oneended doublestrand breaks (DSBs) For decades, yeast model systems offered the only opportunities to study eukaryotic BIR

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Replication Stress At Microsatellites Causes Dna Double Strand Breaks And Break Induced Replication Journal Of Biological Chemistry
However, DSBs that arise by replication fork collapse or by erosion of uncapped telomeres have only one free end and are thought to repair by strand invasion into a homologous duplex DNA followed by replication to the chromosome end (breakinduced replication, BIR) As BIR from one of the two ends of a DSB would result in a long tract of LOH it(iii) Breakinduced replication (BIR) is initiated when only one broken end is available for strand invasion The invasion triggers DNA repair synthesis proceeding via a migrating bubble with asynchronous leading and laggingstrand synthesis, and leads to conservative inheritance of newly synthesized DNA

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